This page describes how to set up NGINX as a reverse proxy for Confluence.

The configuration described on this page results in a scenario where:

  • External client connections with NGINX are secured using SSL. Connections between NGINX and Confluence Server are unsecured.
  • Confluence Server and NGINX run on the same machine.

We assume that you already have a running instance of NGINX. If not, refer to the NGINX documentation for instructions on downloading and installing NGINX. SSL certificates must be installed on the server machine.  You’ll an NGINX version that supports WebSockets (1.3 or later).

If your team plans to use the Confluence Server mobile app, you’ll need a certificate issued by a trusted Certificate Authority.  You can’t use the app with a self-signed certificate, or one from an untrusted or private CA.

Atlassian Support can’t provide assistance with configuring third-party tools like NGINX. If you have questions, check the NGINX documentation, ask the Atlassian Community, or get help from a Solution Partner.

Step 1: Set the context path

(warning) If you want to access Confluence without a context path (, or via a sub-domain (  skip this step.

Set your Confluence application path (the part after hostname and port) in Tomcat.  Edit <installation-directory>/conf/server.xml, locate the “Context” definition:

and change it to:

Restart Confluence, and check you can access it at http://example:8090/confluence

Step 2: Configure the Tomcat connector

Next, in the same <installation-directory>/conf/server.xml file, locate this code segment:

And add the last line as follows:

Note: don’t include secure="true" in this connector.   Make sure you’ve included correct values for protocol and proxyName.

Step 3: Configure NGINX

You will need to specify a listening server in NGINX, as in the example below. Add the following to your NGINX configuration.

Replace your server name and the location of your SSL certificate and key.

In this example, users will connect to Synchrony, which is required for collaborative editing, directly.

See for more information.

Note: do not include ssl on; if you are configuring SSL and Confluence on the same server as in this example.

If you experience 413 Request Entity Too Large errors, make sure that the client_max_body_size in the /confluence location block matches Confluence’s maximum attachment size. You may also need to increase the client_max_body_size in the /synchrony location block if you experience errors when editing large pages.

Step 4: Restart Confluence and NGINX

  1. Restart Confluence and NGINX for all the changes to take affect.
  2. Update Confluence’s base URL to include the context path you set earlier – see Configuring the Server Base URL.