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AWS RDS MySQL vs. Aurora MySQL

AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) is a managed database platform-as-a-service (PaaS) by AWS that offers customers the option of running one of several database products such as Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, or MariaDB without having to worry...

For Developers 

How to Duplicate a Page in WordPress (3 Simple Ways)

How to Duplicate a Page in WordPress (3 Simple Ways)

Reasons to Duplicate a Page There are many reasons why one may want to duplicate a page or post in WordPress. An example might be that you’ve built a really awesome landing page for a new product that you’re launching. However, you may want to do some A/B testing for...

For IT 

Setting Up Cloudflare Turnstile

Would you like to use Cloudflare Turnstile to help prevent spam submissions in your WordPress forms? Cloudflare Turnstile is a free, CAPTCHA-like alternative that offers a user-friendly experience by confirming visitors are real humans without showing them any...