Rate expression


Value can be a positive integer.

Unit can be minute(s), hour(s), or day(s).

For example:

Example Cron expression
Invoke Lambda function every 5 minutes

Invoke Lambda function every hour

Invoke Lambda function every seven days

Note the following:

  • Rate frequencies of less than one minute are not supported.
  • For a singular value the unit must be singular (for example, rate(1 day)), otherwise plural (for example, rate(5 days)).


Cron expression

All fields are required and time zone is UTC only. The following table describes these fields.

Field Values Wildcards
Minutes 0-59 , – * /
Hours 0-23 , – * /
Day-of-month 1-31 , – * ? / L W
Month 1-12 or JAN-DEC , – * /
Day-of-week 1-7 or SUN-SAT , – * ? / L #
Year 1970-2199 , – * /

The following table describes the wildcard characters.

/ – specifices increments, i.e. 0/15 in the minutes field directs execution to occur every 15 minutes, i.e. 5/10 means 5, 15, 25, 35, etc.

L – specifies “Last”; i.e. If used in Day-of-month field, specifies last day of the month. If used in Day-of-week field, specifies last day of the week (Saturday).

W – specifies “Weekday”; i.e. When used with a date, such as 5/W, specifies the closest weekday to 5th day of the month. If the 5th falls on a Saturday, execution occurs on Friday. If the 5th falls on a Sunday, execution occurs on Monday.

# – specifies the day of the month; i.e. Specifying 3#2 means the second Tuesday of the month (Tuesday is the third day of the 7-day week).

* – specifies All Values; i.e. If used in the Day-of-month field, it means all days in the month.

? – no specified value; i.e. Used in conjunction with another specified value. For example, if a specific date is specified, but you don’t care what day of the week it falls on.

“-” – specifies ranges; i.e. 10-12 would mean 10, 11 and 12

‘ – specifies additional values; i.e. SUN, MON, TUE means Sunday, Monday and Tuesday

The following table lists common examples of cron expressions.

Example Cron expression
Invoke a Lambda function at 10:00am (UTC) everyday

Invoke a Lambda function 12:15pm (UTC) everyday

Invoke a Lambda function at 06:00pm (UTC) every Mon-Fri

Invoke a Lambda function at 8:00am (UTC) every first day of the month

Invoke a Lambda function every 10 min Mon-Fri

Invoke a Lambda function every 5 minutes Mon-Fri between 8:00am and 5:55pm (UTC)

Invoke a Lambda function at 9 a.m. (UTC) the first Monday of each month

Note the following:

  • Cron expressions that lead to rates faster than one minute are not supported.
  • One of the day-of-month or day-of-week values must be a question mark (?).